Do I Need A Lawyer After A Car Accident?

Karpe Litigation Group
Car accidents can be very problematic to say the least, whether you were at fault or not. Having a lawyer to guide you through the legal effects of the crash can be a great way to deal with it and get compensation. It makes sense for you to have a professional car accident attorney on your side. The lawyer will help you to deal with any lawsuits you might face.  Call us at 888-228-7800 right away! After a car accident, handling a personal injury claim is not easy, especially if you do not know what the law says. It can be very time consuming and complicated. You do need to deal with the law as well as any injury you get from the accident. lawyer car accident An attorney will handle things for you so that you do not have to deal with the consequences of the accident yourself. Here is how to know if you need a lawyer after a car accident.

Are There Pedestrians?

If there are pedestrians, or more than one car, or specialized vehicles like a fire truck, an ambulance, or delivery trucks involved in the accidents, the case is always more complicated than dealing with one driver. If multiple parties are involved, the legal issues are complicated because there are numerous personal injury lawsuits involved. An automobile accident lawyer is better placed to handle such problems and will deal with the other lawyers and insurance companies in the right and proper way.

Do You Need a Lawyer After Your Accident?

Call 888-228-7800

A good reason to hire a car accident lawyer after a car crash is to help maximize the compensation owed to you without much hassle because they possess the right skills and knowledge for the job.

Who is at Fault?

If no driver has agreed that they are at fault for being at fault, or when you are not sure about the facts leading to the accident, you may need a lawyer because this will make things a little more complicated. An accident claim relies on the ability to prove that the other driver and not you caused the other driver’s crash. You need to gather sufficient evidence that can determine the accident and present them to the insurance company. if you cannot prove your innocence, you are at a considerable risk of losing the case, and you will not get any compensation. An experienced lawyer is in a better place to show you what to do.

What is the Extent of the Damages or Injuries?

If you sustained minor injuries in the accident, then it means that you received very minimal treatment and for this reason, you can be able to handle your claim without the help of a lawyer if you like. On the other hand, if your car accident claim includes serious grievances, then you should get a lawyer to negotiate with an insurance claims adjuster on your behalf. This is because you are entitled to several claims including:
  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • The cost of fixing a vehicle
  • The cost of replacing your vehicle
  • Reimbursement for your pain and suffering
An Indianapolis car accident lawyer is used to working with such claims can generally help you get good results. If you have been in an auto accident and are considering hiring a car accident attorney, call our office at 888-228-7800 to speak with an expert Indianapolis, Indiana auto accident lawyer as soon as possible.

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