Unfortunately, Even the best drivers can make a mistake that causes a car accident or serious injury. Our legal team hopes you always drive with care and never cause a fatal car accident. However, if you happen to cause a fatal car accident in Indiana, at Karpe Litigation Group, we are the attorney for car accident when a car crash happens. We will do the best to help you resolve your legal problems with a high degree of personalized care.
Fatal Car Accident Statistics
Many different types of car accidents happen. There are more than 90 incidents that result in a fatal car accident every day. Additionally, there are more than 3 million people injured every year in car accidents. What’s even worse is that close to 2 million drivers in car accidents have a permanent personal injury from a car crash every year.
Call for Help. Check for Any Fatalities.
Before anything else, call 911 and check on your passengers. Immediately check on the driver and passengers of the other car involved in the crash. Being polite is more than acceptable, expect to be shaken up quite a bit. Also, if possible, avoid apologizing or admitting any guilt for the action. Any confession of guilt, even a brief “sorry”, an “oh my God”, can and will be used as evidence against you if the result is a likely legal conundrum.Have You Caused a Fatal Car Accident?
Call 800-228-7800 Today
Remain at the Scene of the Accident.
It is a severe criminal charge if you leave the scene of a car accident. Even more so when the car accident involves serious injury. If you can, move to the shoulder of the road or another safe place away from traffic. Make it a point to stay as close to the scene as possible until the police arrive on the scene of the accident.Call Your Insurance Company After the Accident
As soon as possible, tell your insurance company about your car accident. If you face reckless driving or DUI charges, make those known, as well.Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer
Your insurance company will defend you against any claims for personal injury, but if the car accident leads to criminal charges, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to fight rights. Also make certain to contact an attorney for car accident issues.If You’ve Caused a Fatal Car Accident
At Karpe Litigation Group, we are dedicated to providing a vigorous personal injury defense, no matter how obvious your traffic mistake may be. We realize that car accidents happen, which is why we diligently work hard to help every single client resolve their situation and get on with life. Call our office at 800-228-7800 for help today!Fatal Car Accident Playlist
Here are some car accidents that resulted in a fatality. Be safe. Buckle up.